VAT Registration for International Companies
The UK is one of the most popular locations for companies to expand to and offers many benefits.

VAT Registration in the UK – Why Overseas Companies need it?
VAT registration in the UK for foreign companies becomes relevant is a number of circumstances. The most common of these are:
- When goods are imported and sold in the UK
- Where low value goods are sold in the UK by sellers from outside the UK, this can require the e-commerce platform where goods are sold to register for VAT and declare the output tax for these transactions on behalf of the seller
- Making sales of goods or services in the UK over the UK turnover threshold will require a VAT registration.
- If stock is held in the UK and sold to UK customers that could be a reason to have to register for VAT.
- Importing goods to UK from outside the UK will incur VAT and import duties at the point of entry. VAT can be reclaimed if the importer is VAT registered and payments of import VAT can be delayed.
Axada Ltd registered in England and Wales
VAT NUMBER: 256 420 808
Company Registration Number: 10373235